
 Horizon Towers City of Lights Al Reem Island UAE

opens your business up to the world,

E-commerce opens your business up to the world, but modern shoppers have high expectations. Our thorough understanding of user behavior, data security, and online marketing allows us to create online stores that go beyond simple sales.

We can help you develop a site that integrates with your existing inventory management system and navigate important legal requirements for handling payment information. Make sure your online store is a place you and your clients love and trust.

E-Commerce Websites Development

Dealing with local web designers is always a huge benefit when building an online store. … Pencil Designs e-commerce web designers build on top of the most robust e-commerce solutions available in the market. Whether you need to create a new online store from scratch or you consider revamping your existing e commerce shop, we can assist you to achieve your brand full potential.

It is our responsibility to fully understand the growth of your business and the values of your brand. This process of investigation and discovery is more art than science. Every business has its own challenges. Knowing how to identify a winning strategy is equal parts experience, intuition, and insight.

This means that we not only know how to build a secure site that meets the growing expectations of online shoppers, but also how to get interested customers to your site. Having experts in marketing, design, and technical development under one roof means that we have unified strategy with which we can better understand your goals.


Before a single design decision is made for your website, our team makes sure to clearly understand what and how your business aspires to achieve through your website. How your website will improve your business and captivate your prospective and existing customers. For example, your website can service a myriad of business goals including:

– Provide information about your products and services

– Help clients customize offerings and get pricing information

– Allow clients to send quotation requests or book consultations with your team

– Allow clients to subscribe to your newsletter

With this kind of information in mind, our team will make sure to design a functional website that will naturally guide your customer to the intended call-to-action.


We examine how your company operates inside and out by surveying important organizational stakeholders and executives. We will evaluate your pain points, objectives, and concerns.


Comprehensive research of consumer behavior, industry trends, and competitors is vital to a holistic view of a project. This can involve surveying potential audiences… and ..deploying various analytical tools. Tools such as Google Analytics and Inspectlet give us insight into the strengths and weaknesses of your current website. Not only does this research inform our strategy, it can also prompt us to start asking better questions about your needs.


After we have established a deep familiarity with your business and have identified project goals, we are ready to move into production. This starts with development of the site structure and wireframing key layouts. This helps us to define crucial functions and develop practical and effective site design. Starting with wireframes allows us to establish a solid foundation before committing to the look and feel of your site.


With the structure of the site established, we begin developing your aesthetic and visual identity. This design phase is when the look of your site is developed and made available for review. This is a collaborative process where ideas can be challenged until both parties are confident in the approach. Once designs are approved, a development site is built. This is a private version of your website where you can interact with key features, explore user flow, and see animations in action.

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 Horizon Towers City of Lights Al Reem Island UAE

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